Scala and Play Training in Chennai

Today’s web applications are integrating more concurrent real-time data, so web frameworks need to support a full asynchronous HTTP programming model. Play 2.0 is architected from the start under the assumption that every request is potentially long-lived. We also need a powerful way to schedule and run long-running tasks. The Actor-based model is unquestionably and the best implementation of that model available for both Java and Scala is Akka. Play 2.0 provides native Akka support for Play applications, making it possible to write highly-distributed systems.

Getting Started with Play

1. Installing Play framework
2. Play commands
3. Project Structure
4. Configuration
5. Error Handling


1. Router Mechanics
2. Routing Rules
3. Routing in Action

Controllers, Actions & Results

1. Controllers
2. Actions
3. Results
4. Session objects
5. Request & Response

Getting started with Scala

Asynchronous HTTP programming
1. Handling asynchronous results
2. Streaming HTTP responses
3. Comet sockets
4. WebSockets

The template engine
1. Templates syntax
2. Common use cases
3. Custom format addition

Form submission and validation
1. Handling form submission
2. Protecting against CSRF
3. Custom Validations
4. Custom Field Constructors

Working with Json
1. JSON basics
2. JSON with HTTP
3. JSON Reads/Writes/Format Combinators
4. JSON Transformers
5. JSON Macro Inception

Calling WebServices
1. The Play WS API
2. Connecting to OpenID services
3. Accessing resources protected by Oauth
Handling data streams reactively
1. Iteratees
2. Enumerators
3. Enumeratees

HTTP Architecture
2. HTTP Filters

Dependency Injection
1. Controller Injection

Reverse routing
1. Javascript Routing

Extending Play
1. Writing Plugins

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