Python Training in Chennai

python training in chennai

 Get started programming with Python, one of the world’s most popular and versatile programming languages. Python is one of the popular programming language that is used in large companies like Google,  Yahoo!, CERN and even NASA. Whether you just need a brush-up or have never programmed with Python, you will be well-versed in what you need to know after taking up Python Training in Chennai at FITA.

Python Course Syllabus:

Getting started with Python

Variables, Loops and Statements
1. Variables
2. While loop
3. For loop
4. If statement
5. If Else statements
6. If Elif Else Statements

Functions and Variables
1. Functions
2. Function parameters
3. Global & Local Variables

Understanding Error Detection 
1. Common Python Errors

Working with Files and Classes
1. Writing to a File
2. Appending to a file
3. Reading from a File

Strings & Collections
1. Strings
2. Bytes
3. Lists
4. Dictionaries

1. Creating, running and importing a Module
2. Defining functions and returning Values
3. Difference between Module Import & Module Execution
4. Documenting your code using DocString

Handling exceptions
1. Exceptions and Control flows
2. Handling Execptions
3. Programmer Errors
4. Imprudent Error Codes
5. Re-Raising Exceptions
6. Exceptions, API’s & Protocols
7. Moment of Zen

Files and Resource Management
1. Files as iterators
2. Managing Files With Try..Finally
3. Writing Binary Files
4. Bitwise Operators
5. Reading Binary Files
6. Closing with Context Managers

Django ORM
1. ORM Configuration
2. Mapper Configuration
3. Relationship Configuration
4. Inheritance Mapping
5. Advanced Collection Configuration
6. Configuration Extensions
7. Declarative Extension
8. Association Proxy
9. Hybrid Attrbutes
10. Mutable Scalars
11. ORM Usage: Session Usage and Guidelines
12.Query API reference

Django Training:

The success of a Web application depends on factors like managing high traffic, maintaining site code, quick updates, bug tracking, ready-made tools, code re-usability, help for code development, etc all of which are important in a Web framework. Django is a URL driven Web framework. Developers could design their own URLs, and choose what was to be shown for that URL, quite unlike the frameworks existing in the market.

Some of the benefits of Django are :
1. Based on Python
2. MTV architecture
3. A Robust OMR System
4. Beautiful URLs
5. A powerful Template system
6. Automatic Admin interface

Who Should Take Django and Python Training?

You can take Django & Python Course even if you’ve never written a single line of code. This course is designed to familiarize you with general programming concepts using the Python scripting language. Python is widely accepted to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn for beginners.

Django Course Syllabus:

Introduction to Django
1. About Django
2. Django Components

Generating simple Django Views
1. About View functions
2. Using Django HTTP’s response class
3. Using Django HTTP request objects

Configuring URLconf’s
1. About URL Conf
2. Regular Expressions
3. Expression Examples
4. Simple URLConf Examples
5. Using Multiple URLConf’s
6.Passing URL Arguments

FITA has been recommended as No 1 Python Training institute in Chennai.

Need Assistance on Django or Python Training in Chennai, call us!.